Once in bed, when it is time to close the five ports of knowledge, most folks I know seem to find no difficulty in plunging their earthly parts into oblivion. 一旦到了上床睡觉时间,五个摄取知识的港口就要关闭的时候,我认识的大多数人似乎都能很容易就忘却了他们在尘世的作用,很快进入梦乡,而我却不能。
These valves have four or five pipe connections, commonly called ports. 这些阀门有四个或五个管道连接,通常称为端口。
The Indian government has forecast the country needs$ 320bn in infrastructure investment in five years as rapid economic growth stretches India's long-neglected ports, roads, airports and power utilities. 由于经济快速增长给印度长期忽视的港口、公路、机场和电力设施带来了压力,印度政府预计,未来五年需要向基础设施领域投资3200亿美元。
In the middle1800s, the Treaty of Five Ports Commercial Intercourse opened foreign markets and stimulated further development of the silk industry. 十九世纪中叶,五口通商的实行,开辟了国外市场,刺激了丝绸业的进一步发展。
Open needle valve "A" high side and vent needle valve to vent air from bypass hose. Empty two-position valve accommodating five ports. 开启针形阀A高端和排气针形阀,从旁路软管排放空气。排空两个位置的放气阀,它调节五个通道。
Discharging valve Empty four-position valve accommodating five ports. 排空四个位置的放气阀,它调节五个通道。
The five ports trading with all countries resulted in bankruptcy of traditional agriculture and handicraft industry because of the direct attack of foreign goods. 五口通商后受洋货直接冲击,传统农业、手工业破产;
It operates in five of the seven busiest container ports in the world. 世界七大繁忙港口中,有五个是由和黄经营的。
In this very treaty, the United States compelled China to accept American missionary activity, in addition to imposing such terms as the opening of five ports for trade. 就是在这个条约里,美国除了强迫中国接受五口通商等事而外,强迫中国接受美国人传教也是一条。
Patton says in the last five years, there has been an effort to clean up the air within the two ports, and they are not the only ones. 帕顿说,过去五年来,他们一直努力清洁这两座港口的空气。
Analysis of the S Parameters of the Passive Symmetrical Five Ports 无源对称五端口网络散射参数幅值和相角的分析
The development of Fujian tea industry in the period from the opening of five treaty ports in China till the end of Qing Dynasty 论五口通商至清末福建茶叶的发展与进步
This article focuses on five container ports, trying to find out the reason for their rapid development or relative lag and come to the conclusion as below. The development about the whole container port line depends on regional macro economy environment. 本文以五个集装箱港口为研究对象,研究它们快速发展或者相对落后的原因,得到以下的结论:集装箱港口行业的发展,取决于区域的宏观经济环境。
Based on the principle of Ethernet switch, this paper introduces a method for the design of five ports Ethernet frame switch and analyzes the function module of each. 从分析交换机的性能及原理出发,给出了一种五端口以太网帧交换机的设计方案,并对每个功能模块进行了详细的分析。
A new modified engine with the scavenging system composed of five scavening ports was designed to improve the scavenging efficiency. 在原型机扫气过程数值模拟的基础上,改进扫气系统设计,将扫气口由原来的两个增加到五个。
The fact that Fuzhou became the one of modern five treaty ports was inseparable from great demands of Western powers for tea and urgent needs for developing tea trade with Fujian province. 福州成为近代五口通商口岸之一是与西方列强对茶叶的大量需求以及要急于展开对福建的茶叶贸易分不开的。
Based on analysis of the current status and development trend of harbor logistics of five major domestic and foreign ports and the modern harbor logistics, the development strategy of harbor in our country are discussed in this paper. 通过分析国内外五大主要港口的物流发展现状,以及现代物流产业的发展趋势,得出港口物流应向大物流、一体化、智能港、虚拟链的方向发展,并提出我国港口物流的发展策略。
After Opium War, Xiamen was to be the one part of five ports and to be the trade center in Fujian province. 鸦片战争后,被辟为五个通商口岸之一,厦门经济发展迅速成为闽南商贸中心。
Shanghai became the one of the earliest five ports open because of its unique geographical advantage. 上海因为其独特的区位优势,成为最先开放的五口之一。
After Shanghai opened the port, the western diet culture input Shanghai through each way, the opening of five ports foreign settlement became bridgehead of coffee introduction, afterward presented the independent business cafe. 上海开埠后,西方饮食文化通过各种途径输入上海,五口通商的租界首当其冲成为咖啡引入的桥头堡,后来出现了独立营业的咖啡馆。
With penning the five Commercial ports, the educational and missionary work in parallel. 五口开埠之后,教育工作与传教事业同步发展。
Then Chapter Five concentrates on the development of ports and their nearby towns along the route. 第五章集中介绍粮油故道上的码头与口岸城镇的发展过程。
Opium War is the water-shed of foreign trade of Xiamen between ancient times and modern times. Xiamen became one of the five ports having trade relationship in 1842, and the foreign trade of Xiamen begins the transformation of modernization. 鸦片战争可以说是厦门古代对外贸易和近代对外贸易的分水岭,1842年以后,厦门成为最早开埠通商的五口之一,厦门对外贸易开始了痛苦的近代转型。
Comparison container sea-rail intermodal transportation flow distribution results with path capacity constraints of the Dalian port in the next five years, balance ports will be finded between Dalian sea-rail transport capacity and quantum. 对比未来五年大连港集装箱海铁联运运量配流结果与路径运量约束,得出目前大连港海铁联运运量与运力之间的不匹配点。